Τρίτη 28 Μαΐου 2013

Blog no.5: Beyond the horizon.

Dear remaining readers,

  It's not my usual writing hours but my sleeping schedule has been so messed up lately, time doesn't even matter anymore. I haven't posted for quite a while, due to my full schedule and the upcoming exams which I'm obligated to take seriously if I don't want to end up playing the guitar in the streets and hope they don't throw shoes at me. I have some spare time now though, so I'm using it to write something for you guys to read. Yeah, both of you!  
  It has been difficult coming up with a subject to talk about. It almost seems like my brain has ran dry. However, the best conversations always start with the most random questions. They have to be spontanious, unexpected and even weird. I remember a cold December night last year, me and my friends were staying in a lousy hotel. There was tension because of the bad quality of the hotel, so I decided to go outside for a bit, to get some fresh air. I took a chair and a blanket with me and just sat there. Minutes later, one of my best friends came outside aswell, brought his chair and sat next to me. We were both tucked under the big, warm blanket. We sat there, silent for a while. Suddenly, my friend asksed me "Do you think there's something else out there?" What was going to be just a small break for a breath of fresh cold air, turned out to be one of the longest, weirdest, most awesome conversations I have ever had. 
 It doesn't always have to be about a particular subject. This is basically me talking to myself through written word. Call me crazy. Call me lonely. Aren't we all, though? Nobody can see the world through your eyes. Think about it, the only person who understands you better than anyone, is yourself. Everybody wants someone to talk to about everything and nothing. Someone who will not judge them, who will not call them weird, who will simply "get them". Someone who can ask them "What are you thinking?" and they will be able to answer with something different than "stuff". I have found that someone. I see him everytime I look in the mirror. He has that troubled, concerned look but he never forgets to pair it with a reassuring smile. He's a neat guy, we get along really well!
  Now you must be sure that I'm a schizophrenic with a torn personality who talks to himself. It's nothing like that, ask the other guy! Right, man? All jokes aside, if you think about it, you can all relate. Haven't you ever been in a situation where you just wanted some time for yourself? Not because you were depressed, angry or concerned about something. You just wanted some time, you and your thoughts. In a hot summer night, sitting on the balcony, looking at the stars while listening to songs with meaningful lyrics you can appreciate. Μaybe not even listening to music. Total silence.
 Observing the stars makes me think about how small I am compared to what's out there. It really makes me wonder. It makes me forget about every tiny, insignifigant concern I have. It makes me escape my reality, even for a little bit. It puts a smile on my face. 
 The sky in general is my favourite thing on earth. It amazes me how a little bit of imagination turns all the shapes of the clouds into anything you can think about. Each one has a story behind it, a journey to go through. Each one is unique. For some people they are not that fascinating. They are just clouds. Random shapes. They don't mean anything, right? No! If you use your imagination, you can give a meaning to everything. After all, it's your most powerful weapon to escape reality. Use it wisely.
 That concludes today's blog. I know we are in difficult times and we have to worry about a lot of things nowadays but in case you want to forget about them for a bit, you know what to do. Sit back, relax and observe. Open your mind, escape reality. I'm leaving you with this famous quote from the first man on the moon, just food for thought. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

"It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small".

Neil Armstrong

Yours faithfully, 
Stelios Zesiades

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