Κυριακή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Blog no.7: Versus the world

Dear friends,

  It's been a long, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonley, lonely time since I last wrote here, mostly due to me slacking off really, it's not that I had anything better to do. So yeah.
  In the past year or so, I've had numerous conversations about varied topics, from religion to politics to music preferences, and I've come to realize that my opinions on the subjects have been contradicted for being way off from the others' opinions. You might be thinking "well that's normal, isn't it?" and you're probably right. The thing is that my opinions on every subject are mostly built around one core statement: I know nothing. This has made me look illiterate or dumb for not taking "facts" into consideration to back up my statements. Well that is because I don't believe in facts, meaning what some people consider "facts", I consider "possibilities". You can interpret this in many ways, like "how can you not believe something that you can feel, hear or see?", or "you're a fool for taking the easy path to face your lack of knowledge", or the more elaborate "you're stupid". Well, I can change it up a bit to make it easier to understand: I'm not sure about anything. There you go! I don't blame you if you think what I'm saying makes no sense at all, but I'll give you an example to help you understand.
  Let's say we have an item, an apple per se. Guy 1 says "the apple is red!". Guy 2 says "the apple is red!". Guy 3 says "the apple is green!". Guys 1 and 2 laugh at guy 3 and tell him to go back to pre-school to learn the colours. So, guy 3 tells them: "What I percieve as green, you might percieve as red. That means that either I am colourblind, or both of you are colourblind. Does that change the way you view the apple? No, it doesn't. Everything in life is subjective, from the colour of an apple to my personal worldview and there's nothing you can do to change that". He then proceeds to to eat the apple like the badass he is. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone who shares the same worldview yet, so I've come to wonder: Am I crazy or am I the only one who's sane?
  By now you might be wondering how I can deal with this, not being able to accept facts. The truth is I don't, I just go with the flow. You can say that I've become comfortably numb.  It doesn't really matter if I'm right or wrong, if the Matrix is real, if we are living in a dream, if there is a god after all, if this is real life or if this is just fantasy, because we will most likely never find out. Either way, I'm having a lot of fun addressing my theory to my friends and watching their reactions. I hope I have not come out as too crazy or too dumb and you can at least understand my thought process.
If you read this far, thank you for being open-minded and not storming off in frustration. I had a lot of fun on this one. Take care!

Yours faithfully,
Stelios Zesiades.

P.S.: You earn extra awesomeness points for getting the song references.

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